Have you ever just felt spent? Exhausted for a day or more? Maybe just plum tuckered-out? DO you struggle with bouncing back from a hard day? This can result from neurological fatigue, something that Craniosacral Therapy (CST) can help with.
Craniosacral Therapy is a light-touch form of bodywork that helps bring you out of the fight-or-flight part of you autonomic nervous system. That is the part of the Nervous System that kept us safe from threats like tigers and bears. Today, the danger is more like emails, social media, and the news. The perpetual stimulation of the stress response wears down our ability to recover from illness, inhibits proper digestion, and impacts our sleep.
Receiving regular CST sessions improves your body's ability to regulate between the stress response and a relaxed state. Sessions are performed clothed or can be integrated into massage. When the body is allowed to feel safe and comfortable, it can use resources for healing over guarding. This is the power of Craniosacral Therapy.
Start your new year off right with this immunity boosting salad. Cara Cara Oranges are in season and pairs well with cucumber for a nice refreshing side or lunch.
These Paleo friendly cookies will leave you wanting more. Simple ingredients and the cinnamon adds a nice boost to your day to help with concentration and staying alert!
Enjoy this paleo-friendly fall recipe. Eating clean and organic can help with reducing inflammation and restoring the gut. A happy gut=happy mind, body & soul.
Keep your furry friend satisfied and well with this home-made recipe. Made with simple ingredients this is a quick and easy substitute for your normal dry food.