Cleansing and Purifying: Can be an aide to help with cleansing negative energy out of our body.
Connection: Gems help to improve concentration and connecting with your inner consciousness.
Soothing Effect: Helps with decreasing anxiety, decreasing restlessness, and amplifying a sense of security.
Tool: When worn gemstones can help an individual live a peaceful life, enabling you to surround your body with positive and healing energies.
Purpose: Certain stones can help with enhancing your purpose, essentially to "kick-start" healthy things in life.
Healing: Gems can increase positive vibes in your body and strengthen you both emotionally and mentally.
Sustainable: Gems and their benefits can last a life time! When you wear and incorporate gems into your daily regimen, you will being to radiate positive energy, noticing a different with your sense of confidence, security, self-love, and ability to "ground" after difficult situations. There are many physical and emotional benefits of gemstones. There are a lot of great resources to enhance your knowledge on the benefits that each stone or gem reaps!
Here we will highlight some of the Gemstones that REAL will be featuring!
Mookite (Mook Jasper): Is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains the body during times of stress. Brings peace and a feeling of wholeness that helps with decision-making. Encourages versatility and accepting change. Benefits the solar plexus.
Goldstone Green: Stone for protection and grounding. It inspires a deep emotional healing and balances the energy between the heart and emotional body. Benefits the Heart Chakra.
Goldstone Blue: Stone of confidence and ambition and encourages motivation and drive. Amplifies positive energy, which makes it an uplifting stone that promotes vitality.
Goldstone: Assists in attaining goals and for increasing ambition. Symbol of ingenuity, ambition, and drive. This stone can help to reduce tension and will help to revitalize and bring encouragement to the wearer.
Bloodstone (Heliotrope): This stone has blood purifying properties and is considered to carry energy that will help to bring more meaning and understanding of higher life purpose. Also helps to improve health due to it's blood purifying properties.
Unakite: This stone is helpful for balancing emotion and spirituality. Facilitates "re-birthing" and can help with releasing conditions/barriers towards spiritual and psychological growth.
Tiger Eye: Gem that helps with bringing good luck and protection. Promotes mental clarity and making healthy decisions without being "clouded" by emotional mind. Stabilizes mood swings, instills will-power, purpose, courage, self-confidence, and releasing tension.
Snowflake Obsidian: Stone of purity and that provides balance for the body, mind, and spirit. Helps you to recognize and release "unhealthy thinking patterns". Can help you to embrace and learn from "mistakes" as well as successes.
Rhodonite: This gem is a stone of compassion and an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. It helps with healing emotional shock and panic. Rhodonite helps to build confidence and alleviates confusion that can help to encourage self-love, compassion and forgiveness.
Moss Agate: Stone for new beginnings. This gem refreshes and rejuvenates the soul and helps one to see the beauty in life. Helps with balancing the emotions and releasing fear and trust. Moss Agate can increase a sense of hope and trust.
"I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly
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