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Sauna Series-Cardio & Fitness Benefits

January 28, 2021

Cardiovascular & Fitness Benefits

If you are looking to improve your heart health and fitness goals, weekly Far Infrared Sauna sessions can help. Here we will explain on how the Far Infrared Sauna can help aide in both cardiovascular health and the body's ability to exercise more effectively and efficiently. 

Cardiovascular Benefits:
A Far Infrared Sauna helps in lowering blood pressure due to the increased blood flow and detoxing effects. When you step into the sauna your cells start to get excited, moving the blood and oxygenating it; which in turn will restore pivotal vascular endothelial functioning. This will also aide in reducing inflammation throughout the body and in the heart, which is vital so that the heart does not get strained or overworked pumping hard to get blood throughout the body. With better blood flow and more oxygenated blood the organs can function better and skin will look more youthful and hydrated. By having better circulation and blood flow you will notice that exercising becomes easier and you will actually exercise more efficiently and effectively.

Fitness Benefits:
After weekly sessions your cells become revived, rejuvenated, circulation improves and muscle recovery and growth will increase. With more muscle growth and restoration of old muscle tissue your metabolism will increase. When your metabolism increases toxins are removed more readily out of the body. Much of our issues with being overweight and lethargic are due to toxins that are "stuck" in the body. A Far Infrared sauna can also help with decreasing "Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (AKA DOMS) which is muscle soreness or inflammation that you experience after an intense workout or using muscles that you don't often use. A Far Infrared Sauna aides with decreasing inflammation and the pain and soreness you may experience, helping you to stay true to your fitness goals and regimen. 

Since your blood pressure becomes better regulated and blood flow is enhanced, Oxygen is able to get to the muscles and organs more efficiently. With more oxygenated blood reaching the heart and muscles, your endurance will increase as well as a higher anaerobic threshold. 

If possible, getting into the Far Infrared sauna near or around a workout has it's benefits as well. The infrared heat followed by exercise helps with protein production thus aiding in muscle growth. You will also experience greater calorie burn since your metabolic rate is improving/increasing with your Far Sauna sessions. 

Overall you will notice an improvement in muscle tone, performance, exercise tolerance and an improvement in your cardiovascular fitness and goals. 

"If we want to direct our lives we must take control of our consistent actions.
 It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. 
But what we do consistently".
-Anthony Robbins

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