Yoga Poses:
1) Padmasana (Lotus Pose): This pose if used to prepare for deep meditation. Sit with your legs straight in front of you. Inhale, bend your right knee and hug it to the chest. Exhale, place your right ankle in the crease of the left hip, sole of the foot facing the sky. Bend your left knee and cross your left ankle over the right shin, resting the foot in the left hip crease. Press the groin towards the floor and sit up straight. Rest the palms of your knees, facing up in Gyan Mudra (thumb and index fingers together, other fingers extended). Close your eyes, soften the face and gaze at your third eye. Breathe deeply, hold for 1-2 minutes. Release slowly by gently extending the legs in front of you.
2) Adho Mukha Sukhasana Variation (Easy Pose with Forward Bend Variation): You can sit with your legs in lotus pose, cross-legged or in Easy Pose. Bring the right heel to the perineum and align the left heel to the right heel. Inhale, lengthen the torso and interlace the fingers behind you. Exhale, slowly bend forward from the hips, not the waist. Work towards bringing the crown on the mat, as you lift the arms up behind you. Bring the palms on top of each other in front of you and gently rest the forehead on the top of your hand. Breathe slow and steady for 5-10 breaths. Inhale and slowly come up.
3) Baddha Konasana Variation (Bound Angle Pose Variation): Sit with your legs straight. Inhale, bend your legs, bring the sole of the feet together, pull the heels towards the pelvis, then drop the knees gently to the side and press the heels together. Inhale, lengthen the spine, interlace your fingers under your feet and slide them forward, away from you. Exhale, fold forward, round the back, let the head hang towards the feet. To go deeper, bring the crown of the head to rest in the feet, allowing the energy to travel circularly throughout the whole body.
4) Vrksasana (Tree Pose): Slowly come into a standing position, in Mountain Pose. Spread your toes and root the feet in the ground. Lift the knee caps, pelvis in neutral position, draw the navel towards the spine, lift the rib-cage, relax the shoulders and grow tall towards the sky thru the crown. Shift the weight of the body into the right leg, slowly lifting the left leg, find your balance. Bring the sole of the left foot as high as you can on the right inner thigh. Keep the hips leveled and gently push the left knee outwards. Keep the spine nice and tall, dropping the shoulders. Bring your hands in prayer position at your heart center or above your head. Gaze at a point in front of you to help with focus. Stay for 30 sec to 1 minute and release to Mountain Pose before swapping sides.
5) Ardha Anuvittasana (Standing Prayer Backbend): Stand in Mountain Pose. Bring your hands together in front of your chest. Take 5 deep breaths thru the nose. Inhale, feel the energy coming up from the Earth into your whole body. Exhale, feel the energy travelling down from your crown to your feet. Plant your feet firmly in the mat, engage the lefts, lift the torso upwards, as you lengthen your spine. Lift the chest and draw your shoulder blades towards the rib cage, gently opening your heart. Bring your fingertips to your forehead and feel the back lifting the front of the body. Engage your core and continue gracefully into the back bend, without straining the back of the neck. Hold for 3-4 breaths. Bring the hands back to the heart, inhale and come back to center.
6) Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand): Kneel, interlace your fingers, place your forearms on the mat, elbows are shoulder-width apart. Press the forearms, wrists and outer edges of the hands firmly into the ground. Place the top of your head on the mat, the back of the head resting against the clasped hands. Inhale, lift the knees off the mat and start walking your feet closer to your head, like an inverted 'V'. Press the shoulder blades together towards the tailbone and press the forearms into the floor. If your pelvis is stacked above your head, exhale and lift the feet off the floor, legs together and straight. Engage the abdominal wall and raise your legs until they form one line with the torso, perpendicular to the floor. Hold for 10 seconds up to 3 minutes breathing steadily.
7) Savasana (Corpse Pose): Lie on your back in neutral position with your heels as wide as the yoga mat and arms relaxed at the side of the body, palms facing up. Tuck your chin towards your chest. Relax the jaw and shoulders and spread your shoulder blades equally on the floor. Allow yourself to let go. Stay for 5-30 minutes. To exit, exhale and roll onto your right side. On an exhale, slowly come back to a seated position. Close your eyes and bring your hands together at your chest.
Not a YOGI:
-Wear dark purple or have something dark purple in your space.
-Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang, Lotus of the Water Lily, Frankincense, Myrrh or Sandalwood.
-Crystals/Gems: Celestite, Blue Sapphire or Clear Quartz.
-Foods: This is more of a spiritual awakening rather than a physical nourishment. Fasts are encouraged. Foods that are white in color help to aide this chakra: coconut, mushrooms, garlic or onions.
-Mantra: AUM
-Imagine a white lotus flower opening up your crown
-Visualize a bright white or purple light entering in from the top of your crown
"Knowing others
is Wisdom;
Knowing the self
is Enlightenment".
Lao Tzu
I am connected to the DIvine Source
of the Universe.
I am Light
I trust