The Heart Chakra, or Anahata (which translates into being unhurt, unstuck & unbeaten), is awareness and the manifestation of love towards self and others. It relates to your ability to give and receive love. It is located in the middle of the chest at the heart level and the endocrine gland associated with it is the thymus. The heart's element is air, so fresh air and getting out in green nature and embracing your surroundings is a good way to ground.
Imbalances to your Heart Chakra can create emotional outbursts/pain, a lack of compassion towards self or others, indecisiveness, being overly dependent in relationships, feeling a disconnect from yourself, fear of rejection or abandonment & low self-esteem or criticism. A person also might isolate from others excessively and find it difficult to forgive or holds onto grudges.
A balanced Heart Chakra will enable you to see the positive in self and others, a sense of kindness and compassion (for nature and all beings), increased optimism, hope & motivation, feeling loved and loving & an overall sense of happiness with self. There is also a sense of peace and contentment/love with nature and all that the world has to offer.
Yoga Poses to help with Grounding your Heart Chakra:
1) Anjaneyasana
(Low Lunge): Start on all fours. Exhale, step the right foot forward until you feel a nice stretch in the left quadriceps and hip flexors. Keep the right knee above the right ankle and the hips leveled. Allow the pelvis to sink down and forward while keeping the spine straight. Inhale, lift the chest away from the pelvis and bring the arms back, interlacing the fingers and pull the arms back and slightly up to open the chest. Breathe in the front and back of your chest, enjoy the expansion and hold for 1-2 minutes before switching sides.
2) Anahata
(Melting Heart): From all fours, check that your knees are hip width distance apart. Press the shins and top of the feet in the floor. Start walking your hands forward slowly and work towards bringing the chest closer to the mat, while keeping the pelvis above the knees. Option 1-bring the forehead to the mat, arms active, elbows not touching the floor and hips stacked over the knees. Lengthen the spine on the inhale and drop the chest on the exhale. Option 2- for a deeper heart opener, bring the chin and chest to the mat, pelvis can tilt forward slightly. Breathe in the front sides and back of the chest. Hold for 1 minute and release into child's pose.
3) Natarajasaha
(Lord of the Dance): Stand in Mountain Pose, inhale and shift the weight of the body in your right leg, lift the kneecap, engage the thigh and keep the standing leg strong. Lift the left heel towards your buttock. Grab the outside of the foot or ankle (grab the inside for a deeper shoulder stretch). Inhale, pushing the left foot into the hand and lift the bent leg towards the ceiling. New to this? Focus on bringing the left thigh parallel to the floor and keep the torso straight. Arms up or in front of you, parallel to the floor. Deepen the pose by slowly lowering the torso parallel to the mat while kicking the left leg up. Avoid compression in the lower back by pulling the pubic bone towards the navel and pressing the tailbone towards the floor. Gaze forward breathe steadily and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
4) Ustrasana
(Camel Pose): Kneel on your mat, knees are hip-width apart and the thighs are perpendicular to the mat, slightly rotated inwards. Don't harden your buttocks. Press the shins and top of the feet firmly in the floor. Rest your hands on the back of your pelvis, bases of the palms on the top of the buttocks, fingers pointing down. Inhale and lift your heart by pressing the should blades against your back ribs. Exhale, pushing the hips forward as you lean back. Draw the head back. To further deepen the pose, carefully reach your hands to the heels, one at a time. Keep pulling the hips forward and lift the chest upwards. Breathe and hold for 5 breaths. Release by bringing the hands back onto the sacrum, inhale slowly coming up, head and neck come up last.
5) Chakrasana
(Wheel Pose): Lie on your back, exhale and bend the knees, placing the feet as close to your groin as you can, feet parallel. Bend your elbows and spread your palms on the floor, next to your head, forearms relatively perpendicular to the floor, fingers pointing toward your shoulders. Inhale, press into the feet, exhale and start lifting the lower back and buttocks. Press into your hands and lift the torso coming onto the crown of your head. Pause here for 1-2 breaths. Check your foundation: feet flat and parallel, thighs engaged and parallel, slightly rotated inwards. Exhale, pressing into the hands and feet, lift the head and straighten the arms. Gently arch the spine, while raising the hips as high as possible. Hug the shoulder blades, let the head hang or gaze at the floor. Hold for 10 seconds or more, as long as the breath is not restricted. To release, exhale and slowly lower the back of the head, upper torso and back on the mat. Hug your knees to your chest for a while to counter this back bend.
6) Matsyasana
(Fish Pose): Lie on your back, legs and feet together, pointing the feet. Inhale, lifting your pelvis slightly off the floor and slide your hands, palms facing down, below your buttocks. Rest your buttocks on the backs of your hands (don't move them as you perform this pose). Keep your forearms and elbows close to the sides of your torso. Inhale, press the forearms and elbows on the floor, and slide the shoulder blades together down the spine. You can already feel a slight opening of the chest here. Inhale and lift the upper torso and back of the head and slide your head onto the crown. Avoid compressing the neck, there should be minimal weight on the head and neck. Breathe smoothly and hold for 15 seconds. Exhale, slowly release the head, neck and upper back on the mat. Release the arms. Hug your knees as much as you need to counter the pose.
7) Supta Baddha Konasana
(Reclining Bound Angle Pose): A nice restorative pose to finish. Lie on your back, bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together. Gently allow the knees to fall to the sides. Use blocks or rolled blankets to support them, if needed. Spread the pelvis, release the tailbone, spine straight on the floor, slightly tuck the chin in. Bring your left hand to the chest, on the heart and your right hand on your belly. Breathe in and out through the nose, noticing your belly rise and fall, massaging the lower back. Bring your awareness to your heart space, connecting with it, letting it expand with each breath. With each inhale, invite and welcome more love, compassion and abundance. Stay here for as long as you need.
8) Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Not a Yogi:
Wear green or eat green veggies and fruits.
Diffuse or wear Essential Oils like Bergamot, Rose Cedarwood, Patchouli, Eucalyptus, Pine or Geranium.
Go forest bathing (spend time in areas that are lush and green and go for a walk barefoot).
Let yourself be loved and love!!
Daily gratitude logs and mantras.
Donating time to charity.
Reflect on old relationship wounds and come to terms with them by compassionately practicing forgiveness in your heart.
Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, either in nature, people or the arts.
Gems/Stones: Pink Quartz, Jade, Clear Quartz or Green Calcite.