To those strong, selfless men who care for their families, especially during this pandemic, we are highlighting all of you this week.
Fatherhood is more like a brotherhood. To be a really great dad one has to be good to yourself so you can ultimately parent in a healthy way. Today's world is a lot different than in past where many men isolated their feelings and from reaching out on "advice". Opening up and sharing your fears, pains, and stress with other men allows you to release and will also teach your own children ways to ask for help. This will enable and teach the importance of normalizing and releasing emotions, leading to less likelihood of mental illness in the future. Talk to your family daily and ask them how they are doing. Reach out to buddies frequently and offer any advice. Seek out that friend that may be a new or expecting dad, the buddy who's going through a divorce, or someone who just needs to get the heck away from their kids screaming in their ear about homework (yeah I have been on some of those zoom meetings! Dad's don't pretend you haven't been trying to get your kid to shut up while on that zoom meeting). Catch up with college roommates and embrace Fatherhood and Brotherhood!
Being a Dad isn't an easy job, but always remember that kids grow up all too quickly, so take time to have tea or climb a tree with your daughter or playing football or dolls with your son:)
A strong man is willing to be vulnerable and allow himself to acknowledge that he doesn't have everything together. This isn't the past where you need to bottle everything up. Superdad embraces the need to reach out and to teach his children that being scared, sad, etc is okay. Let yourself be a "human" and on this Father's Day week/weekend, embrace the AMAZING MAN you are!
Two quotes today one for laughs and one for empowerment:) Happy Father's Day!!
-Daddy, I'm afraid of zombies.
-Zombies aren't real, they're just people with make-up on.
-Just like Mommy?
-Yep, just like your mom.
Thinks about his
Day & Night, even when
They are not with him &
He will love them Forever
in a way they could
Never Understand.