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Detox Series- Magnesium

September 9, 2020

Benefits of MG for Detox

 Magnesium and Detox:

Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most depleted minerals from our diet, yet essential for many functions in the body. The fertilizers that our food grows in are deficient from many of essential vitamins and minerals, including Mg. 

Magnesium is pivotal for controlling levels of stress hormones, aiding in the synthesis of neurotransmitters involved in regulating our mood, sleep & stress response. It also aides in muscle relaxation and reducing painful muscle cramps. Magnesium is also an important electrolyte that is needed for proper muscle, nerve & enzyme functioning. It keeps the heart rhythm steady and supports a healthy immune system. When Magnesium levels are sufficient Vitamin B works better, helping to improve one's overall energy level. 

If there are insufficient amounts of Mg toxic metals can enter the brain which can lead to disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It is also important in regulating our blood sugar levels which leads to stabilization of blood pressure. For individuals with compromised digestion and other chronic conditions Mg is imperative. 

Mg aides in producing energy for detoxing. It is responsible for keeping excess Calcium out of the cells. If there is an excess of Calcium in the cells this can result in atherosclerosis, kidney stones or constipation. 
This mineral is also beneficial for heavy metal detox. Some of the most toxic metals like Cadmium, Mercury and Lead can be eliminated by getting more Mg into your lifestyle. Cadmium can cause damage to the kidneys, lungs and bones. Lead is detrimental to the nervous system, bones and kidneys. Mercury can lead to damages to the nervous system, digestive system, lungs, kidneys and skin. Aluminum is linked to bone and nervous system disease and disorders. Much of our environment, lifestyle choices and diet all contribute to heavy metal exposure.

Mg is also powerful for its' alkalizing properties. It neutralizes and removes acids from the body. If there is a deficiency, the body will pull Mg from the bones, muscles and other tissues. This can result in health issues like weak bones and excessive growth of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria and viruses. 

How to obtain more of this powerhouse Mineral:

Some ways to get more Magnesium are through foods and supplements. Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach are full of MG. Dark chocolate, black beans & quinoa are also excellent choices.

Again due to the depletion of essential minerals and vitamins in our foods, other options are beneficial to add to your health regimen. Magnesium sprays and taking Magnesium salt baths are helpful ways to detox and to relieve painful muscle cramps and pains. When using sprays you will obtain the most benefit by spraying on the feet and massaging it in. Magnesium bath salts when used with Himalayan and Dead Sea Salt are great for ridding toxins and also are great for the skin and their immunity boosting properties.

REAL Wellness is committed to your well-being. We have a line of products to help enhance your wellness regimen. Check out our store and learn more on how our products can help you with detoxing and living your most vibrant life. 

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