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Chakra Series - Grounding yourself

July 2, 2020

Staying Grounded

With the world still full of uncertainty it may be difficult to get to the gym or your normal yoga center. We believe wellness can still be achieved while at home and is imperative now more than ever. We are going to be show-casing a summer series on the 7 chakras and different strategies for grounding and stabilizing each. Please stay posted as we will have video demonstrations to help you do easy yoga moves to balance while you may not be able to do your normal routine.

This week we will be focusing on your Root Chakra aka Muladhara. Your Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, deep in the pelvic floor in the center of the body. The Element associated with it is the Earth. This is the chakra that relates to your familial roots, your parents, background, how you grew up & how you deal with the physical world currently. 

Physically it relates to your lower back, legs, feet and process of elimination. Emotionally it affects your overall sense of security and stability. It relates to your security in your own skin, feeling safe and confident. Mentally stability within the Root Chakra is correlated to whether you can take care of yourself, your sense of belonging and feeling at ease in your own skin and body. 
Imbalances in the Root Chakra can create energy blocks that can slow you down or cause you to be in over-drive. 

The Yoga Sequence to ground your Root Chakra:
1) Sukhasana (Easy Pose)-Take a few moments to center yourself. Focus on the sound of your breath, as you breathe in and out through your nose. Feel your sit bones on the ground and focus on the earth beneath you, supporting you.
2) Balasana (Child Pose)- Sit on your heels, fold forward and rest your forehead on the mat. Allow yourself to relax, to let go of any tension, feeling or thought that no longer serve you. Notice how you slowly sink deeper into the earth. 
3) Malasana (Garland Pose)- Squat with your feet as close together as you can, heels on the floor. Separate the thighs wider than the torso. Press the elbows into the inner knees; bring your palms together at the heart. Keep resisting the knees and lengthen the torso. 
4) Uttanasna (Standing Forward Bend) - Exhale, bend forward from the hips, not the waist. Grab the opposite elbows. Allow gravity to lengthen your back. Press the heels in the mat and lift the sitting bones. Inhale, lift and lengthen the torso slightly. Exhale, release further in the bend. Notice how your torso naturally moves with the breath. 
5) Tadasana (Mountain Pose) - Stand with your feet together. Lift the knee-caps, pelvis in neutral position, gently tuck the belly in, shoulders down, and top of the head reaching upward. Engage the arms beside the torso, palms facing each other. Close your eyes and imagine your roots growing deep into the Earth. 
6) Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) - Take a wide step and rotate the right foot 90 degrees. Exhale, bend your right knee, thigh parallel to the floor, knee bent above the ankle. Engage the left leg. Raise arms parallel to the floor, palms facing down, lower the shoulders. Lengthen the torso straight above the pelvis. Gaze at the fingertips.
7) Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) - Lie on your back, bend the knees, feet hip distance apart, close to the groin. Keep the arms beside the torso, palms facing down. Inhale, lift the lower and middle back. Press into the arms and feet, engage the thighs. Exhale, slowly come down.
8) Savasana (Corpse Pose) - Lie on your back and breath in and out (4 square breathing). 

If your not a Yogi, there are still things you can do to help balance and stabilize your Root Chakra. Wear the color red or eat foods (organic fruits and veggies) that are red. Practice chanting the mantra "LAM" (like OM). Walk outside in your bare feet or use grounding stones on your feet to help with stabilizing. Some great Essential Oils to use are: Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh & Cedarwood. 

"Maybe you are searching
among the branches, for what only
appears in the roots".

Be Like a Tree
Stay Grounded. 
Connect with your Roots.
Turn over a New Leaf.
Bend before you Break.
Enjoy your Unique Beauty.
Keep Growing.

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